The right torch whatever the challenge
Quality welding torches from Fronius

Fronius packs more than seventy years of welding know-how and extremely strict quality requirements into developing and manufacturing welding torches in-house. The technology leader’s response to escalating demand was to double production capacities at the Pettenbach production site in Austria. The portfolio includes an impressive variety of MIG, TIG, and plasma welding torches for manual, stationary, and robot-assisted welding applications.
Customers always find the right welding torch for many different demands and requirements at Fronius, and can use this to unleash their full welding potential. The spectrum ranges from lightweight, easy-to-handle TIG welding torches, which precisely penetrate every nook and cranny, to durable robot welding torches, that can be relied on to robustly withstand high temperatures in continuous operation. Common to all is that they combine innovative technology, a long service life, and repairability, as well as maximum ease of use.

Greater capacity for a growing demand
“By doubling our production capacities for welding torches, we created new production lines and new jobs. Output is steadily increasing and we are now ready for the future, as our quality welding torches are envied throughout the world,” says Harald Scherleitner, Global Director Sales and Marketing, Business Unit Perfect Welding, Fronius International GmbH. “A general feature of our manufacturing is that the energy for all our Austrian sites comes wholly from renewable sources, and we have been manufacturing 100% gas-free since 2023. This reduces the ecological footprint of all our welding torches and welding systems.”
Perfectly matched
The quality welding torches, and high-end welding systems are developed by Fronius experts at the same location, and are tailored to one another, right from the start. This allows the respective advantages and technological innovations to be merged into a perfect system, and maximizes the potential. So, it is also only logical that in popular welding packages such as Low Spatter Control (LSC) or Pulse Multi Control (PMC), the welding process is at its most stable with original Fronius welding torches. It is also possible to benefit fully from the precision and user-friendliness of Fronius welding torches with many other power sources, of course.
Everything well under control in manual welding
It makes no difference whether it is MIG, plasma, or TIG welding torches: what is important with manual welding is how the welding torch feels in the hand – whether it is well-balanced, for example, and how helpful the controls on the handle are when working. The welder’s personal preferences are also crucial, as the quality of the result is literally in their hands. “Along with all the technological refinements we pack into our welding torches, the human operator has the most important role. We place great emphasis on the ergonomics and user-friendliness of our welding torches,” stresses Christian Aitzetmüller, Welding Torch and Robot Peripherals Product Manager, at Fronius International GmbH. “To help welding specialists in their everyday work, we make our welding torches as light as possible, with handles that are comfortable to hold. That is why our range includes different user interfaces”.
Designed and built with long service in mind
Whether a welding torch for manual welding, or a robot torch – they are all designed for an especially long service life and undergo extensive testing. All welding torches, just like newly developed welding systems, go through exhaustive ruggedness tests before entering series production. They have to pass heat tests, drop tests, and duty cycle tests, as well as gas shield tests, leakage tests, and movement tests. When it comes to efficiency, safety, and reliability, the benchmarks Fronius sets in-house are far more demanding than required standards.

Wear part replacement and repair made easy
Because they are subjected to high loads, wear parts must be regularly replaced to ensure consistent quality. Original parts are perfect for this and enable maximum precision. The Fronius range of wear parts such as gas nozzles or MIG contact tips, inner liners or TIG torch caps and tungsten electrodes, is extensive. But thanks to the targeted user guidance, making repeat orders from the online spare parts catalog is easy.
Should welding torch maintenance or repair be due, however, then “time is money”. For this reason, it is easy for you to carry out maintenance or minor repairs on Fronius welding torches yourself, so that the welding torches are working again in next to no time. Certified Fronius Service Partners and repair centers worldwide are happy to help, as is the major repair center at Steinhaus in Austria.
Numerous patents and welding torch innovations
The range is consistently enhanced by in-house developers and experts. Fronius has already been able to make an impression with numerous innovative patent solutions for welding torches, such as the practical Multilock System for quickly changing the torch body. This allows the welding torch to be turned through 360° – permitting the greatest possible welding flexibility on components with challenging geometries. Another innovation: cooling solutions that extend the service life of the welding torch yet make little difference to weight and handling. For TIG welding torches, the new Tungsten Fast Clamp system (TFC) for quickly changing the electrode, and the optimized wirefeeder stand out, and in MIG/MAG welding, the highlight is the ingenious
Exento fume extraction torch that extracts welding fume directly at the source, making the best-possible contribution to health and safety.
In short, increased production capacities, decades of experience, and strict quality control, mean that with Fronius, the right welding torch is available, whatever the challenge.
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