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The path into a more sustainable future
AtNORD DRIVESYSTEMS, our sustainability strategy for 2025 focuses on acting in an environmentally conscious, responsible and integer manner. A cross-divisional team as well as the management and owners are part of the implementation. Besides NORD’s products, it includes four further fields of action.

“Our sustainability strategy for 2025 is a promise to our customers, to the public and to ourselves to consequently act in an ecological, economic and socially responsible manner”, emphasizes Carolin von Rönne from the area of Process and Organisational Development & Corporate Sustainability Management at NORD DRIVESYSTEMS. The strategy comprises five key aspects:

When it comes to sustainability, our products at NORD are also our top priority. This is because the design, life cycle and application areas have an impact on the environment. The concept of sustainability is therefore already rooted in the product development process. “Drives can be found in many areas of industry, where they consume a large proportion of the energy used,” explains Carolin von Rönne. “With efficient drive solutions such as the IE5+ synchronous motor, we want to make a significant contribution to reducing CO₂ emissions.“ The NORD ECO service furthermore supports companies in finding the most efficient drive solutions for them.

Governance & processes
The sustainability management was introduced at NORD in 2022. Since then, the company has achieved important milestones such as an annual sustainability report according to GRI, environmental certifications and the integration of international structures. The central objective in this field of action is the establishment of an international governance structure and CSRD-compliant reporting for the entire NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group with 48 subsidiaries in 36 countries because the success of other factors – in particular environment, energy and climate – depends on it.

In order to coordinate structured measures and document them in a legally secure manner, international environmental management is essential for NORD. This is implemented in accordance with ISO14001 for the largest subsidiaries. In addition, the climate balance for Scope 1–3 is determined group-wide. NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group further aims to reduce its energy consumption and amount of waste as well as increase the share of self-produced electric power and the use of renewable energies. Existing biodiversity areas are to be further expanded.

In times of skills shortage, NORD continues to increase its attractiveness as an employer. The company is currently rolling out a global digital learning management system to offer all employees the opportunity for further individual development. Further targeted campaigns and measures are intended to promote diversity among the workforce. “Inclusion, respect for human rights, strengthening our work culture, safety and continuous transfer of knowledge are only some of the topics we would like to promote”, says Carolin von Rönne.

Supply chain
NORD wants to reassure its customers and employees that sustainable production is given high priority both at manufacturing facilities and in the upstream supply chain. Risk analyses and other processes are carried out within the framework of the Germany Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LKSG).

Meta title: NORD DRIVESYSTEMS: Sustainability strategy for 2025
Meta description: When it comes to sustainability, NORD focuses on the products but also on governance & processes, the environment, people and the supply chain. Find out more Keywords: NORD DRIVESYSTEMS, NORD ECO service, sustainability, CSR, governance & processes, people, environment, supply chain act, drives, drive solutions, energy efficiency, IE5+, synchronous motors
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Twitter links: @NORD_Drive
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With approx. 4,700 employees today, NORD DRIVESYSTEMS has developed, produced and sold drive technology since 1965, and is one of the leading global full-service providers in the industry. In addition to standard drives, NORD delivers application-specific concepts and solutions for special requirements such as energy-saving drives or explosion-protected systems. In the 2021 financial year, annual sales amounted to 870 million Euros. NORD has 48 subsidiaries in 36 countries and further sales partners in more than 50 countries. They provide technical support, local stocks, assembly centres and customer service. NORD develops and produces a wide range of drive solutions for more than 100 industries, gear units for torques from 10 Nm up to over 282 kNm, supplies electric motors in the power range of 0.12 kW to 1,000 kW, and supplies the required power electronics with frequency inverters of up to 160 kW. Inverter solutions are available for conventional control cabinet installations as well as for decentralised, fully integrated drive units. www.nord.com

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